Light Fittings & Switch Socket Replacement
Light Fittings & Switch Socket Replacement
It is common for electrical wall outlets and light switches to occasionally become defective. In such instances, you will find that they will work in some instances and the fail to do so in others. When this happens, your appliance or light is likely to become very unreliable as well as unsafe for your family. You should, therefore, take steps to have the faulty outlet replaced as soon as possible. If you opt to do it yourself, LS Handyman Singapore suggests you do the following:
1. Turn off the power
Before you start working on any electrical project, make sure that the power has been switched off at the circuit. It is the only way to guarantee your safety.
2. Get Rid of the Globe
When working on a light fixture, you will need to first do away with the globe. Use one hand to hold the globe as you unscrew it with the other hand.
3. Remove this Fixture
You have to unscrew the mounting bracket before you can remove it. To ease installation, consider loosening them instead of removing them completely.
4. Ensure the Wiring Is Disconnected
The wiring can be disconnected by twisting the wire nuts in a counterclockwise manner. Once done, ensure that they are completely removed from the wires.
5. Remove the Socket and the Bulb
Confirm that you have removed your light bulb from its socket before using a screwdriver to remove the remaining socket.
6. Replace the Bulb and Socket
Once you have removed the old socket, use the screws that were previously there to install the new socket. Ensure the wires are properly fixed and then replace your bulb.
7. Wire Your Fixture
Take the fixture and hold it close to your ceiling. Slowly connect each wire ensuring that black wires are tied together under a single nut.
8. Switch On the Power
Having done all this, all that will be remaining will be to test whether the installation is working or not.
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