HDB Toilet Door Lock Replacement
HDB Toilet Door Lock Replacement
We specialize in toilet door lock installation, repair, replacement, upgrades. Toilet door locks are typically installed to keep your door closed and increase privacy while using it, rather than for safety motives. When installing or replacing a toilet lock with LS Handyman Singapore, you may select from numerous dissimilar lock devices, handle sets, and lever sets to match your house design. If you have any young kids at all times make sure you select a toilet lock that has emergency over rider thus in case of an emergency you can effortlessly open the toilet door with a pin or knife.
Toilet Door Locks
It is significant to understand what kind of lock to fit on a toilet door. Here you will get all of our toilet locks, ranging from the usual sash-lock kind toilet locks which provide a handle and a bolt, which uses knobs for the latch and a turn to lock the door through the bolt, through to a minor cylindrical-type bolt that does not need knobs and is only for locking as well as unlocking the door.
All these toilet locks have a common match – they all need the use of privacy turns, similarly called ‘turn and release’ sets. These usually give a thumb turn on the inner side to let the resident lock the door, and commonly an emergency override on the outer side, thus in case of an emergency or alleged danger, the door is unlockable from the outer side by using a screwdriver, knife, or any additional shrill tool inserted into the inserted section of the turn set on the outer side of the door.
Top reasons for booking an LS Handyman Singapore
Here are the topmost reasons why clients are booking an LS Handyman Singapore:
- Increase secrecy
- Install a toilet lock
- toilet door is jammed
- Mechanism might be defective
- Handle rod is wobbly
We Repair and replace Any Door Locks
Here at LS Handyman Singapore, we are a local firm that provides an extensive variety of wide-ranging services, such as door lock repairing, to our valued customers of Singapore. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our skilled team now. We are at all times here to attend your call, deal with any questions and answer any queries that you might have concerning the door lock repairs that we offer in Singapore.
Choosing LS Handyman Singapore
Selecting a trustworthy company for toilet door locks around Singapore can save you time, annoyance, and particularly money.
When selecting a good toilet door locksmith be sure to check for:
- Positive feedbacks on a site. Reading other individuals’ comments and the number of feedbacks will give you a rough hint of how recognized the firm is.
- Responsiveness: Verify the firm you are in touch with is answering your calls and messages. When you wish to claim for any defective lock or components warranty it is great to know you have somebody who will keep their promise up.
How Our Clients Say About LS Handyman Singapore
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